
About Mission Resourcing

kimberly-owen-leftFounded in 2007 and serving the US market with a concentration in San Diego, Orange County and the Bay Area, Mission Resourcing provides contingency search services to a wide variety of Technology companies.

The Founder and Principal Recruiter - Kimberly Owen - has 20 years of recruiting experience covering contingent and retained recruiting services. Kimberly works with a team of trusted recruiters to scale to your recruitment objectives; to fully qualify your recruitment objectives and provide a timely solution.

Kimberly and her team can offer guidance on market conditions; candidate availability; salary fluctuations and geographical pockets of expertise. We help our candidates to navigate the plethora of current opportunities and make educated career decisions. 

server-engineersFor any questions, recruitment support or advice please e-mail:

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Please visit the opportunities page for current vacancies.

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Recruitment Architecture | Career Architecture

Exceptional Talent Delivery underpinned by an energectic, customized approach.